Guru Lopkanatha follows the “Advaita” doctrine professed by Sri Adi Sankaracharya Bhagavatpada. As such all religious activities in tandem this ideology would be regular functions at Sri Lokanatha Central Trust.
Performing Nitya Pujas, yagna and homam on according to the Hindu Calendar, Special pujas and Homam for specific purposes would be regular routine at Sri Lokanatha Central Trust.
On the eve of Dasara on 9th October 2008, a All Women Yagna was conducted at Ujjain Mahankali Temple, Secunderabad. This was first of its kind in Hyderabad when all the yajakas were women.
During Chaitra masa in 2009, a 9 day Sri Rama Dharma Utsav was conducted on the banks of River Godavari at Rajahmundry.
on 15th Feb
In the month of October 2010 Maha Sudarsana Santi Homam was organized at Hyderabad, praying wellness for one and all.
On July
A Sahasraghatabhishekam of Lord Siva was organized at Hyderabad on the eve of Mahasivaratri in 2011
A memorial service in respect of Swamy Sudhindra Teertha of Kasi Math.
Organizing special events on the occasion of Chaitra Navaratram (Srirama Navami ), Sarat Navaratram (Dasara), Vinayaka Chavithi, Sankranti, Mahasiva Ratri and other major festivals is quite common at Sri Lokanatha Central Trust.